The name of the blog is derived from an idea I had about people making the choice to learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The hardest part for many looking to learn this martial art is making it to that very first class, however it really never gets much easier.
White belt is an entire belt of being tapped almost constantly. It is almost an entire belt of the injuries associated with being a "spazzy" white belt as well as discovering the injuries specific to the martial art of grappling. It is a tough time in the martial art that I think culls the herd of newcomers so to speak. There has been plenty of times that I have seen an influx of new students to see them slowly whittle down to just a select few.
So we come to that final stage before a white belt becomes a blue belt. Or as what it might feel to some, become something else besides a white belt. Yes there is the phenomenon that we call the "blu flu", but I think once a person has made it to getting that last stripe on his belt he has already come a long way, both physically and mentally.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
And white belt is one BIG single step.
Talk to you soon,